Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blog : 28 Should I have published this Blog

Time GMT 10.45 Date 20 Febuary 2010

Now that Che is safely home and a normal pattern of life is slowly returning for Che his family and college commitments. My work as the author of this blog is almost over.

I do intend to update the readers with further information regarding the Clothing container and Charity collections that have been orchestrated by college students who have been touched by the plight of the Haiti survivors.

My thoughts and a question for all is "should I have wrote the Blog in the first place". This question derives through the content of a message and conversations with some individuals who feel that the blog was an intrusion of privacy and a possible security risk.

My motives for this Blog were as follows. I have known a lot people who have gone off in to the night and put their life on the line. And when they have returned (and some haven’t) there are has been next to nothing to show for it.

When Che left for Haiti his friends had mixed feelings about him leaving his work and young family. Some thought he was selfish and yet he was unselfishly risking his life to save others.

My feelings were such that if Che was willing to go to Haiti, then the least I could do was to smooth his return. My vision or hope of the Blog was to bring together focus and thoughts as to what the Big Lad was actually doing.

I want Che to know that we cared and were proud of him. I also want his wife and children and possibly grandchildren to have a cherished account of his efforts, and evidence of the support and appreciation that he received for his dedication and unselfish behaviour.


We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill British politician (1874 - 1965)

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